Every time you choose to cope without turning to disordered eating, you’re building the resilience muscle.
Setting Those Holiday Boundaries
When we set and maintain healthy boundaries, we empower ourselves to take control and take care of ourselves.
Finding Balance Between Routine, Structure, and Flexibility
Structure provides the foundation, but allows for flexibility within that stability.
From Shame to Strength
When you feel better about yourself, you want to keep feeling good, and you will be more excited about continuing the healthy behaviors.
Maintenance Can Be Exciting … Here’s How
Maintenance won’t look the same for any two people, but no matter what, it won’t be boring!
Food, Friendships, and Families
Research has shown that children who spend time connecting with family over a meal have better grades and fewer instances of substance abuse and eating disorders.
Relationship Issues May Contribute to Disordered Eating
It’s really important to form healthy relationships with others while you’re forming a healthy relationship with yourself.
Moving Body Image out of the Shadows
Body image often remains in the shadows of therapy, overshadowed by seemingly more pressing issues. However, addressing how we perceive and care for our bodies is fundamental to overall well-being. This article delves into the importance of integrating body awareness and appreciation into therapeutic practices, highlighting techniques like Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) to heal past traumas and improve body image. Discover practical tips for fostering a healthier mind-body connection and enhancing your overall quality of life.
One Size Fits You Therapy
Continuing education as a therapist has opened my eyes to whole new ways of doing things, which benefits my clients as much as me.
Burnout: Way More Than Just Work Stress
Recognizing the signs and triggers of burnout is a great start on the path to healing.