When we set and maintain healthy boundaries, we empower ourselves to take control and take care of ourselves.
It Could Be Worse
When you start by showing compassion to yourself, you can learn to give others that same gift—without depleting your own resources.
The Dance of Candor, Advice Giving, and Regret
How can we communicate feedback both effectively and kindly?
How to Have More Compassion for Others
We may have judgmental thoughts about others, or ourselves, but we can revise those into more thoughts of curiosity.
Changing the Culture of Food and Weight
What if we went beyond appearances—below the tip of the iceberg—to see each other, and be seen, for who we really are?
How Relationships May Change in Recovery
As you change and grow, not everyone in your world may jump on board, because guess what? Recovery is a big adjustment for them, too.
When People Are the Triggers
You don’t have to be afraid of triggers. You can learn to understand them and deal with them—not eat, restrict, or purge over them.
The Art of Saying No During the Holiday Season
When we say yes when we mean no, we can end up feeling controlled, bullied, or used.
Can You Help Too Much?
Helping others is important, but are you doing enough to help yourself?
7 Formulas for Living in Recovery #5: Validation
We’ve been exploring my favorite formulas for living in recovery, and today’s concept is simple but not easy. Validation means giving yourself and others the reassurance that what you think and feel is okay. It says that no matter how things turn out, your emotions are valid. This can be a welcome relief for those […]