When we set and maintain healthy boundaries, we empower ourselves to take control and take care of ourselves.
Healing Childhood Hurts
As parents, there will always be times when we could have done better. So is it ever justified to blame our parents for the damage done and cut them off?
Quiet Your Food Thoughts with a Plan
A food plan creates a nice boundary around the food—your food is figured out for you.
How Relationships May Change in Recovery
As you change and grow, not everyone in your world may jump on board, because guess what? Recovery is a big adjustment for them, too.
The Art of Saying No During the Holiday Season
When we say yes when we mean no, we can end up feeling controlled, bullied, or used.
From Triggers to Tools in 10 Weeks #1 – Eating at Someone Else’s House
Worried that eating at someone else’s house will trigger your food addiction? Here are some practical tips for you.
Can You Help Too Much?
Helping others is important, but are you doing enough to help yourself?
Living With Uncertainty
For many young adults, including my daughter, this is a time of great uncertainty, as they wait for letters from schools they applied to for the fall. When you’re recovering from an eating disorder, many situations can cause feelings of uncertainty – with food and with other parts of life. For example, going to an […]
12 Keys to a Healthy Weight – Be Compassionately Assertive
Welcome back to the 12 Keys to a Healthy Weight. Last week we looked at the importance of planning, and this week we’re looking at a relationship strategy that helps avoid emotional overeating. Key #9: Be compassionate and assertive The Guide To Compassionate Assertiveness: How To Express Your Needs and Deal With Conflict While Keeping […]
How to Deal With Jealousy and Sorrow
Relationship problems are at the heart of most eating disorders, and often the underlying angst that’s causing people to act out with food can be traced back to an interpersonal situation. Learn how yoga can help us deal with the difficult emotions of jealousy and sorrow.