What is self-caring for you? That’s what matters, not what anyone else says you should do or want to do.
Ruminating Doesn’t Help
Rather than holding us hostage, by observing thoughts from a distance we can get a new perspective on them.
The Power of Looking for Happy Moments
When your thoughts are going in a negative direction and you find yourself disqualifying the positive, try some or all of these strategies.
Overloaded and Overwhelmed
How can we learn to embrace the idea of less or just enough?
Anxiety and the Power of Pause
Some of my clients find this prescription confronting, but knowing the benefits can make it more appealing to try.
How Yoga and Mindfulness May Help Heal Binge Eating Disorder
Mindless eating is a disconnect; a mindfulness and yoga practice restores that connection gently and slowly.
How Mind Reading Affects Disordered Eating
When you’re caught up in mind reading and blocking real communication, you can cut yourself off from much-needed support and connection.
Should Statements
Should statements are a type of cognitive distortion that happen when someone is constantly dissatisfied with whatever’s occurring in the present moment.
Are You Tired of Holding On? Let Go!
When you’re focused on “what if” or “if only,” you’re either in the future or in the past; you’re not in the present moment. Letting go is a leap of faith, but what have you got to lose?
The Ongoing Conversation Inside Your Head
Negative self-talk may be a frequent companion, but we can apply coping techniques just like in any other relationship.