I’ve recently rediscovered the transformative power of color and how it can impact our sense of self and well-being.
Revisiting an Old Favorite
It all started with a 1987 book called Color Me Beautiful that I first heard about years ago. When I lived in Winter Park, part of Greater Orlando, I visited a color consultant who analyzed my coloring and provided me with a personalized palette of flattering shades. This experience was incredibly empowering, as I felt more authentic and aligned in my appearance.
A Shift in Perspective
Over the years, I’ve chosen to lighten my hair color, and I felt that my previous color analysis might no longer be accurate. Recently, after having professional photos taken, the photographer and I discussed the importance of color and its impact on one’s appearance. This conversation prompted me to seek out a new color consultation.
A Refreshing Experience in North Carolina
Upon moving to North Carolina, I visited a color consultant in Wake Forest who provided me with a fresh perspective. She began by teaching me the fundamentals of color theory, using examples from the popular TV series Downton Abbey to illustrate how color can shape a character’s persona.
Discovering My Autumn Palette
To my surprise, the color consultant determined that I am now considered a soft blue autumn rather than the dark summer I had been previously. This revelation was a game-changer, as it meant that the colors I had been gravitating toward were not necessarily the most pleasing for me.
Embracing the New and Authentic
Slowly, I’ve been integrating the suggested colors into my wardrobe and surroundings. The difference has been remarkable—I feel more like my authentic self, and the colors seem to bring out the best in my appearance. It’s as if I’ve rediscovered a part of myself that had been dormant for years.
The Power of Color in Mental Health
While I already knew about the power of color from my experience as an interior designer, this recent experience has made me realize the profound impact that color can have on our mental well-being. By surrounding ourselves with hues that uplift and energize us, we can enhance our sense of self and overall mood. It’s a simple yet powerful tool for self-care.
Embracing the Journey
As I continue to explore the world of color and its influence on my life, I’m excited to see where this journey takes me. Whether it’s through fashion, interior design, or even personal branding, I’m committed to embracing the colors that make me feel most like myself.
It’s not about looking pretty; it’s about feeling better and feeling more like ourselves. And if you’re drawn to a color, go for it! I would never tell someone to avoid a color that makes them feel good to wear or be around.
When I go into the room with my gray sofa and gold chair, it’s like a sigh—my breath slows down and I feel at home. When I go into the other room, with the black leather couch? I appreciate how nice it is on an aesthetic level, but I don’t feel that same love.
So, if you’re feeling a little off or disconnected from your true self, I encourage you to consider the power of color and how it can transform your outlook on life. It might just be the refreshing change you need.