Some people avoid thinking or talking about their struggles out of fear, or the notion that if they ignore them, they’ll go away.
Seeing The Truth
When we use a defense mechanism, we are typically trying to protect ourselves from unpleasant emotions and feelings. This may sound like a good thing, but this tactic works against us.
When People Are the Triggers
You don’t have to be afraid of triggers. You can learn to understand them and deal with them—not eat, restrict, or purge over them.
The Return from Relapse
Remember that every slip and every relapse is an opportunity to learn and grow. It’s the truth.
Getting into an Active Mindset
Along with a physical check-up, you also want to do a mental check-up of your thoughts and attitudes about physical activity. Here are things to keep in mind.
Learning to Live in Recovery
According to the Transtheoretical (Stages of Change) Model developed by Prochaska and DiClemente, once someone has passed through the active stage of recovery they enter a maintenance phase. As I wrote about in 2009, a big area of focus in this stage is on how to prevent relapse. But there has to be more to […]
Use a Pen to Fight Your Triggers
One of the most helpful tools in 12-step recovery programs is the daily written inventory of what you did well that day, where you could improve, and if there is anything you need to set right with an apology or other action. This practice can be extremely useful when you're learning how to cope with […]
Let’s Get Triggered
For people with an eating disorder, emotional eating or food addiction, the holidays can be like a minefield of "triggers" – situations or foods that bring heightened anxiety and awaken the compulsion to use unhealthy eating behaviors. Earlier in my career, I had been trained from the perspective that we shouldn't mention triggers or specific […]
You Can’t Lie to Your Journal
In a previous article, I wrote about how journaling can help you choose the right tools for your recovery. Of course journaling is a powerful tool in its own right. It’s very difficult to lie to yourself when you’re writing. There’s something about putting pen to paper that always brings out the truth. If you’ve been getting complacent with your […]
Upcoming Groups and Workshops – New Starts and Ideas
Upcoming Groups and Workshops will help you get a jump start in your personal growth process. Click here to view and download your own printable copy! Tell us what you think of the new workshops – let us also know what interests YOU!