Here are some of the yoga principles that have come up most often as I have counseled people with eating disorders and food addiction to “live their yoga.”
The Mind-Body Disconnect of Eating Disorders
Yoga is much more than just postures. The benefits of yoga are well researched, and it is a natural fit to help with food issues.
Yoga Therapy – A Personal Note from Sandee
Clients are often curious about what I do when I’m not working at the Center. Here is more information about a recent yoga teacher training I took, and how it will benefit you.
The Evolution of Compassion
Once you have gotten more comfortable with having compassion for yourself, having compassion for others and accepting compassion from others, your self-care can evolve to the level where you create your own source of compassion. This is the ultimate in self-care, because these positive feelings come from within, rather than being dependent on what anyone […]
Three Ways to Have More Compassion for Yourself
The world can be a harsh and confusing place for people who are dealing with an eating disorder. What might be a simple task for other people, such as a trip to the grocery store, can be daunting when you are surrounded by mixed messages. Standing at the checkout counter, a quick glance at the […]
IAEDP™ Symposium 2012: A Perspective
(IAEDP is the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals) As a licensed clinician, supervisor of interns, and adjunct professor of psychology working in and focusing on the field of Eating Disorders and Food Addiction, I have to say, I love my job. I love helping people work on recovery from conditions and often debilitating eating […]
Have you been feeling stressed lately? Stress. It’s everywhere. Like a bad penny, it keeps turning up, affecting your mood, your personality, your effectiveness, and often causing anxiety or irritability on the job, at school, or at home. It’s not a pleasant feeling when you want to enjoy life, but can’t. Wouldn’t it be nice […]
What Does it Mean to Surrender?
Twelve step programs have many recovery tools that can be beneficial to those who are struggling with food addiction, emotional eating, anorexia, compulsive eating or bulimia. One of these valuable concepts is surrender.
A List of 12 Step Groups and Websites
AA – Alcoholics Anonymous ABA – Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous ACA – Adult Children of Alcoholics Al-Anon/Alateen, for friends and family members of alcoholics CLA – Clutterers Anonymous CoDA – Co-Dependents Anonymous, for people working to end patterns of dysfunctional relationships and develop functional and healthy relationships DA – Debtors Anonymous EA – Emotions Anonymous, […]
Make Amends to Make Your Guilt Disappear
12-step programs such as Overeaters Anonymous and Eating Disorders Anonymous contain many useful tools that any of us can use. When it comes to healing guilt, one of the best methods is found in steps 8 and 9. Step 8 reads, “Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make […]