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It’s interesting. When you’re struggling with your own self-esteem and confidence, it’s common to also be more judgmental of other people. The reverse is also true—the more you can love and accept yourself, the more accepting you can be of others.
There is an expression that says, “We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.”
A lot of times we judge people’s physical appearance or outward actions, without any idea of what’s going on underneath. We only see the tip of the iceberg. We don’t know their family history or how they’ve been hurt by other people.
That’s why it’s really important to defer judgment of others, and instead practice acceptance, neutrality, and compassion. Understand that everybody has their own stuff going on. It’s like we discussed in an earlier article, that “your first thought is a freebie.” We may have judgmental thoughts about others, or ourselves, but we can revise those into more thoughts of curiosity.
The more we can dial down the judgment of others, the more we will learn to do the same for self—peace within extends to peace with-out, and vice versa.
Who can you practice being more compassionate towards today?