In last week’s introduction to this topic, I mentioned that “as important as it is to do the inner work of healing from an eating disorder or food addiction, the physical environment around us can go a long way to establish and protect our serenity.”
When you look around your home right now, does your outside environment match your inside environment?
Sometimes that match is not always a positive or helpful thing. For example, if your emotions are feeling chaotic and cluttered, you may also be expressing that by letting dishes and mail pile up, not taking care of your clothes, or not keeping up with regular cleaning. That can start a vicious cycle.
I suggest that you start thinking of your home as an expression not only of who you are, but also who you want to be. If you’re looking to attract more order and calm into your life, you could start by tidying up your home and giving it a sense of order. If you’re looking for more peace, you could choose sounds, colors and items that make you feel peaceful, and eliminate or relocate the things that rob you of your peace of mind. You don’t need to be a design professional, just ask yourself which colors make you feel peaceful and wonderful.
Or you may be going through the opposite scenario, dealing with depression and lowered mood and energy. In your case, you may want to bring in colors that have more energy and passion – even if they’re just used as accents (pillows, art work, etc.).
And as you grow, change and progress in your recovery, your home can evolve with you. Inexpensive changes like a fresh coat of paint, moving furniture around or updating your accessories can make a big difference.
For compulsive overeaters, anorexics, bulimics and food addicts, the kitchen is a very important room of the house. Though it’s often the source of anxiety, there can be mixed emotions as well. Take an objective look at your kitchen, and consider how you could make a more pleasant, peaceful place to be. What would make eating at home a more enjoyable experience? What tools would make it easier to cook healthy meals?
Challenge yourself to eat more meals at home, and to fall in love with your own cooking!
Do you share your space with a spouse, children or roommate? Even though you may not have control over the entire house, you can still create a mini-sanctuary in a dressing room, guest room, or even a corner of the living room or bedroom where you have a comfy chair, inspirational books and your journal.
These home updates don’t have to happen all at once. Next week, I’ll share a new approach to housework and decluttering that will make it easier to start and to keep going at your own pace. Then later this month, I’ll send along more resources that will help you create a haven in your home. We’re also planning a workshop on this topic. If you would like to attend, please visit to request the details.