In yoga, satya is the practice of being truthful in one’s thoughts, words and actions. January is a great time to get honest. This is truly the foundation of recovery and self-improvement.
Step One in any 12-step program is admitting you have a problem. In the Stages of Change model, there is even a step before this called the “pre-contemplation” stage. This is when you’re just starting to become aware that something might be a problem.
It can be very humbling to admit something you’ve been doing is not working. And for those who have an eating disorder and body image issues, self-esteem is already low.
Luckily, you don’t need to identify or admit the whole problem before you go into therapy. You can start small and with one issue at a time, to clear away whatever is blocking you from moving forward in your life.
What is something you need to be honest about right now? Start there and then take it to the next level – when you are ready.