The Journey
by Tara Harvill, Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern and Registered Marriage and Family Therapist Intern
The word “journey” invokes images of uncharted destinations, wandering travels of excitement, curiosity and discovery; and thrilling adventures into the unknown and unexplored. What if these images and ideas became the lens through which all of life’s journeys were approached?
The journey of self-discovery.
The journey of personal growth and development.
The journey of recovery.
The journey of life.
In a time when the world appears focused on end results, how does one maintain that sense of wonder and excitement; that focus on the course rather than the destination?
You can start by recalibrating your internal barometer of success and accomplishment. This means you can celebrate your daily victories and personal challenges, whether or not you've met a particular goal.
Each step along the path and every ounce of exertion and effort will enhance the view on your journey.
Anyone can purchase a postcard of a destination, but knowing you’ve traveled the path and persevered the rough terrain helps you to truly savour the view from the top.