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Too many people rush to set goals before January 1st, saying to themselves, “Uh-oh, what are my goals for next year? I need to know this NOW!” They pressure themselves to choose something quickly, simply because the calendar and societal pressure tells them to hurry. In doing so, they may set themselves up for disappointment because it wasn’t something they truly want or value.
Instead, I find it is so much more fulfilling to use this time right around the New Year as a prompt to thoughtfully set an intention for the coming year.
How are intentions different from goals?
Goals are things you do and check off a list, while an intention is about designating a path you will take along your journey.
For example, you may want to increase your spiritual journey and look at all your life’s activities and goals through that unique lens. You may do that with meditation, writing, or by spending quiet time in nature.
Or you may want to bring more gentle movement into your life with yoga or other activities, or explore your artistic side, or heal your emotions through therapy or a support group. The possibilities are limitless.
Setting your intention for the New Year now allows you to ease into things and really settle on the right path for you, making it more likely things will stick. Then, when the ball drops, you can peacefully continue walking the path you’ve already begun—or feel free to redesign it along the way.