The simplest hallmark of addiction is whether or not the substance or behavior interfering with the rest of your life – whether that is your work life, your family life, your social life or all of the above.
For example, have you ever spent an inordinate amount of time at work having snacks, or thinking about having snacks? Has a sugary snack ever left you feeling foggy in the head and less productive?
At home with your family, have you ever lied about what you have eaten, or secretly wished everyone would go out so that could be alone with your treats?
Do you ever skip social events because you’re worried about the food or simply because you would rather stay home and eat?
The scientists and other researchers at the Obesity and Food Addiction Summit presented case after case of proven evidence that sugar, fat, and refined and processed foods are addictive, dangerous, deadly and costly. For the food addicts in the audience, it was shocking – for some, it was the first they were hearing about other people just like them – validation for what they have been dealing with for years.
I do want to make an important distinction here: Not everyone who is overweight has a food addiction and not everyone who has a food addiction is overweight.
Once we can accept the concept of food addiction, there are countless avenues for treatment and recovery. There is therapy, support groups, 12-step programs, and there is even residential treatment for people who need a more structured and intensive program.
Several of the presenters at the Summit were authors and there is plenty to read on the subject of food addiction and the dangers of sugar and processed foods. If you’re interested in finding books on this topic, please contact us and I will send you a book list.
I would love to hear your thoughts about this subject. Have you ever felt like you are addicted to food? Is there one particular food that hooks you in?
If you suspect you might be a food addict, you may want to attend one of our supportive group workshops where you can talk about this topic with people who will understand what you’re going through – because they’re going through it too! Please contact us at for more information.