When it comes to recovery from an eating disorder, failing to plan (your meals) is planning to fail. The structure of a plan gives you freedom to be mindful and present in each moment without wondering how you’re going to manage your next meal.
You can apply this same principle in all areas of your life. For example, we’ve recently talked about setting intentions for the new year. Well, those intentions will only stay intentions without a concrete plan for how you will work the new activities into your day.
Is your intention to incorporate new forms of movement into your life this year? Go online and browse the schedule of a local yoga studio, Tai Chi society, or another option you’ve been wanting to try. Now set a date in your calendar to attend your first class.
Once you’ve settled on something you like and want to incorporate into your regular schedule, arrange your time in a way that guarantees your success. Allow adequate travel time. Make arrangements for child care, elder care, or pet care as needed for your self-care. And of course plan easy meals so you’re fueled with healthy nutrients and there is no added stress or guilt of rushing to grab something on the go.
A planning approach doesn’t mean you can never be unscripted or spontaneous. It means making a conscious effort to follow through on what you’ve decided you want to do, have, and be in your life.