Have you ever noticed the difference between hearing someone talk about their own recovery, versus hearing an "expert"? While the experts can give excellent guidance and support, most people feel an almost instant connection with a mentor or speaker who has had a similar experience.
When you're traveling the journey of recovery, be sure to surround yourself with allies who can relate to what you're going through. These may be:
- Mentors who are a bit farther along the path and offer their time and experience to help you (e.g., a sponsor in a 12-step program such as www.oa.org)
- Buddies who are going through a similar phase of recovery (even when you're struggling yourself, you can help someone else)
- Speakers or authors who share their stories of inspiration and hope
Please also watch for details and dates so you can come out and be inspired by these living room sessions.
Here are some more online resources about mentoring: