The disease of disordered eating can have a very strong pull. And when you combine that with media images and societal stigma, it can be really disheartening to focus on the positive aspects of your recovery – such as your self-care routine. That's why it's so important to be reminded of how much better things can get when you're in recovery.
Our Stories from the Living Room program is designed to share that positive side of the recovery experience, to remind people of what's possible when you get there.
The next event is on Wednesday, September 22, 2010, from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
There is no charge to attend, just please bring a can or two of food for charity. At this event, someone will speak about overeating and being overweight, and someone else will speak about restricting and anorexia.
Family members, friends and individuals with an eating disorder are all welcome to attend, but seating is limited so please book your space now.
We have been talking a lot about setting boundaries and limits with others and yourselves…If you'd like more helpful information about setting boundaries in your relationships, we recommend these books and online resources:
Boundaries – Where You End and I Begin: How to Recognize and Set Healthy Boundaries by Anne Katherine, MA
Where to Draw the Line: How to Set Healthy Boundaries Every Day by Anne Katherine, MA
Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA) at
Al-Anon at org/
Next week, we'll talk about food plans and how they can actually help get your mind off the food.