The temperature is changing ever so slightly here in central Florida. Some have switched their sandals for boots and their t-shirts for sleeves! Maybe it's only a few degrees, but we're noticing it. And it feels good.
Whether it's the weather, our routine or our emotional state, it's frustrating to be stuck in the same place all the time. This is a theme that Liz and I have both noticed coming up in our sessions with clients lately.
So while last month we talked about getting started, today's article is all about getting and feeling stuck – and getting unstuck.
Coming up in October, Liz and I will continue to present at local colleges about eating issues. We want to make sure that counselors and students alike know that we are here as a resource for them. We receive a lot of inquiries about how to help someone (friend, spouse, and colleague) who is struggling with an eating disorder or weight issues. We are always available to provide information to the community, both individually and to groups.