This time of year brings plenty of talk of gratitude. My Facebook feed is full of things like the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge and 30 Days of Thanks. The practice of writing down what you’re thankful for helps set the stage for the holiday season, and creates a new routine you can keep using.
Consider joining friends who are already doing a gratitude challenge, or starting one of your own. While you’re at it, write a personal note or make a call to the people in your life you’re grateful for, and tell them why. Gratitude greetings like these are just one type of holiday ritual you can create for yourself.
If you’d rather keep your thoughts private, use your journal to record your gratitude – especially if the holidays are a struggle for you. Reading your list back again can strengthen and comfort you when you’re feeling low.
What is it about the holiday season that you ARE grateful for? Challenge yourself to dig deep and look at things from that perspective – try on, as they say, an “attitude of gratitude.”
I would like to express my gratitude for the readers who join us on this journey, for the clients who inspire and teach us daily, for the professionals who refer clients for us to help, for the students who share their enthusiasm and new ideas, and to all who are striving for a world where we can all feel healthy, peaceful and loved.
P.S. Here are some tips from an earlier post about how to find and express your gratitude.