© Sandee Nebel
In Part One, I shared my story of getting injured in a group class last year, and how challenging it was to get started again with the right form of movement. If you missed it, check out the first set of motivational tools I listed in the other post.
Being open to change
Change is not always easy, and that includes trying new forms of movement. Sometimes it takes a mind shift for me to make positive physical changes. One way that I’ve made that shift is by writing morning pages (as suggested by Julia Cameron in the landmark book The Artist’s Way. Change seems to come about organically from this process. This makes change pleasurable and comfortable.
Clearing the clutter
Other times I clear out clutter from an area in my house or office, such a drawer, closet, or my desk. This might help me work more effectively or find what to wear easier, but it can also opens up space for a new adventure. This preceded going kayaking for the first time, and I’ve now been about a dozen times!
Taking time out
A self-caring activity like having a massage sometimes opens my mind to ideas for moving my body in a healthy way. It was during a massage when I decided to get a membership to Yoga Village (where my Clearwater office is located). This lets me plan and book classes online, helping me to be consistent.
Challenging preconceptions
In a recent art class we were talking about our feelings about gym/PE class from middle school and high school. We didn’t like the uniforms, competition, waiting to be selected to play on a team (sometimes being selected last), the showers, or feeling inadequate at some of the activities.
The New York Times recently covered this exact topic, highlighting a research study about how our feelings about gym class can impact our motivation for movement activities as adults.
Keep your eyes on your own mat
Lastly, it doesn’t help to look at pictures of what seems to be some fit ideal on social media. As we say in yoga, keep your eyes on your own mat. Allow this movement activity to be your experience and an inner one at that. Visuals are very impactful and most often hurtful and shaming as we compare ourselves to what we see.
With the help of these strategies I’ve come a long way since my injury. I recently started private sessions at a local Pilates studio. Already I find this to be therapeutic to my physical body as well as my emotional well-being.
Pilates is the perfect activity for my back and to increase my strength. When my body gets stronger, so does my voice (meaning speaking my truth – with kindness and compassion) and my creativity increases. This makes me very happy.
Always check with your physician, dietician, or other medical or counseling professional as to what forms of movement are right for you. I do not take this statement for granted – I consult the professionals, too!